Callback interface for SGML prolog completion/content start events.

This is a SAX extension event interface providing the startContent event (in addition to the standard SAX startDTD/endDTD lexical events) sent after a document prolog is completely processed and validated.

startContent is sent exactly once after any startDTD/endDTD events from document prolog.

See also the ConfigHandler interface providing an additional callback sent before startContent, in a state where the first non-prolog item has been encountered in the input instance.

Note Linkhandler may generate additional artificial startDTD/endDTD events wrapping unparsedEntityDecl events for dynamically created entities.

Note endProlog (in Confighandler) and startContent are not paired with corresponding startProlog and endContent events, respectively; instead, the end of content is reported via endDocument.

Name Description
startContent Called once before the first content event, after any declaration sets have been parsed, reported and processed.

Member Details


Called once before the first content event, after any declaration sets have been parsed, reported and processed.

For asynchronous target environments, a non-falsey return from startContent indicates to SGML parsing that asynchronous I/O has been initiated from the event handler for this startContent event, and will cause the call stack to be rolled up (ie. to return immediately to a top-level event dispatcher loop). In this case, completion callbacks for the respective I/O operations must call parseContent() as appropriate.


a non-falsey (relevant only for async) return value indicates to the caller to return immediately in turn (roll-up call stack); a falsey/undefined return value indicates the caller can continue b/c no async I/O has been initiated