Name Description
comment Called for every "pure" comment (an SGML markup declaration that contains entirely of a single comment).
endCDATA Called to end the previously started CDATA marked section.
endDTD Called to demarcate the end of `unparsedEntityDecl` and `notationDecl` events associated with to declaration set of the most recent `startDTD`.
endEntity Called to end the previously started data or subdoc entity.
endIGNORE Called to end a previously started IGNORE marked section.
endINCLUDE Called to end a previously started INCLUDE marked section.
endRCDATA Called to end the previously started RCDATA marked section.
startCDATA Called on a CDATA marked section in input.
startDTD Called for every declaration set.
startEntity Called on unexpanded data and `SUBDOC` entities.
startIGNORE Called on a marked section with IGNORE (or TEMP or absent) keyword in content.
startINCLUDE Called on a marked section with INCLUDE (or TEMP or absent) keyword in content.
startRCDATA Called on a RCDATA marked section in input.

Member Details


Called for every "pure" comment (an SGML markup declaration that contains entirely of a single comment).

Note this is the only type of comment supported by XML, whereas in SGML, a single markup declaration can have multiple comments. These type of comments are not delivered via this callback.


Name Type Description
text string

the character data comprising the comment


Called to end the previously started CDATA marked section.


Called to demarcate the end of unparsedEntityDecl and notationDecl events associated with to declaration set of the most recent startDTD. event.

endEntity(name, elmt)

Called to end the previously started data or subdoc entity.


Name Type Description
name string

name of the data or subdoc entity

elmt string

(optional) name of the element on which the entity was specified, if it was due to a linkhandler-expanded #CONREF entity


Called to end a previously started IGNORE marked section.


Called to end a previously started INCLUDE marked section.


Called to end the previously started RCDATA marked section.


Called on a CDATA marked section in input.


Name Type Description
text string

the characters comprising the CDATA marked section including surrounding "" markers; note that in standard SAX this argument isn't delivered (only begin an end of CDATA sections are demarcated) whereas character data in marked sections is delivered both via startCDATA() and with characters() events wrapped by start/endCDATA() calls

startDTD(name, publicid, systemid, text)

Called for every declaration set.

Will typically be called immediately after start_document(), if at all. Might also be called on artifical declaration sets emitted by Linkhandler for DAFE attributes.

startDTD() demarcates the begin of a (potentially empty) sequence of notationDecl and/or unparsedEntityDecl events that are declared (or generated) for the respective announced declaration set.


Name Type Description
name string

the name of the declaration set

publicid string

the public identifier of the declaration set, if any

systemid string

the system identifier of the declaration set, if any

text string

the declaration set text including leading and trailing declaration set open delimiters; doesn't contain any terminating newline characters

startEntity(name, elmt)

Called on unexpanded data and SUBDOC entities.

Note: SUBDOC entities aren't supported in this release


Name Type Description
name string

name of the data or subdoc entity

elmt string

(optional) name of the element on which the entity was specified, if it was due to a linkhandler-expanded #CONREF entity


Called on a marked section with IGNORE (or TEMP or absent) keyword in content.

Not called on marked sections in the document prolog.


Name Type Description
text string

the characters comprising the IGNORE marked section


Called on a marked section with INCLUDE (or TEMP or absent) keyword in content.

Not called on marked sections in the document prolog.


Name Type Description
text string

the characters comprising the INCLUDE marked section


Called on a RCDATA marked section in input.


Name Type Description
text string

the characters comprising the RCDATA marked section
