- This demonstrates
- that list items don't get
- their own para tags
- when there's no element content in the items
- and the item lines aren't separated from
preceding items by blank lines.
- This holds whether a list item is
or not
Rendered HTML
<ul><li>This demonstrates
</li><li>that list items don't get
</li><li>their own para tags
</li><li>when there's no element content in the items
</li><li>and the item lines aren't separated from
preceding items by blank lines.
</li><li>This holds whether a list item is
or not
- This demonstrates
- that list items do get their own para tags
- if the item line is separated from preceding items with a blank line
- or there is element content in the item
- (such as this one)
- But only the items having
these properties are formatted that way
- other items in the same list don't
automatically get wrapped into p's
Rendered HTML
<ul><li><p>This demonstrates
</p></li><li><p>that list items do get their own para tags
</p></li><li><p>if the item line is separated from preceding items with a blank line
</p></li><li><p>or there is element content in the item
</p><ul><li>(such as this one)
</li></ul></li><li>But only the items having
these properties are formatted that way
</li><li>other items in the same list don't
automatically get wrapped into p's
- Now the question is what effect does a
code block with a terminating blank line
- have on subsequent list items.
- Will those be wrapped into own paragraphs?
- Yes, they will
Rendered HTML
<ul><li><p>Now the question is what effect does a
</p><pre><code>code block with a terminating blank line
</code></pre></li><li><p>have on subsequent list items.
</p></li><li>Will those be wrapped into own paragraphs?
</li><li>Yes, they will
- And does a
code block without a terminating blank line
- have the same effect on subsequent list items.
- Will those be rendered into own paragraphs?
- No they won't
Rendered HTML
<ul><li><p>And does a
</p><pre><code>code block without a terminating blank line
</code></pre></li><li>have the same effect on subsequent list items.
</li><li>Will those be rendered into own paragraphs?
</li><li>No they won't
- Furthermore, how does
<pre><code>an HTML code block behave with respect to putting</code></pre>
- subsequent list item text in paragraphs?
- An HTML code block terminates any block level element. The above started
list is ended by the HTML code block end, and a new list is started
after the block.
- The block is put into paragraph markers.
Rendered HTML
<ul><li>Furthermore, how does
</li></ul><pre><code>an HTML code block behave with respect to putting</code></pre>
<ul><li>subsequent list item text in paragraphs?
</li><li>An HTML code block terminates any block level element. The above started
list is ended by the HTML code block end, and a new list is started
after the block.
</li><li>The block is put into paragraph markers.
- Furthermore, how does
<span>a span-level HTML code block behave with respect to putting</span>
- subsequent list item text
- in paragraphs?
- It behaves the same as block-level HTML block.
Rendered HTML
<ul><li>Furthermore, how does
</li></ul><span>a span-level HTML code block behave with respect to putting</span>
<ul><li>subsequent list item text
</li><li>in paragraphs?
</li><li>It behaves the same as block-level HTML block.