HTML5 DTD Reference

DTD for W3C HTML 5 (deprecated); while the DTD itself is deprecated, the text describes the construction of the HTML 5 DTD in detail; see later versions for important revisions
W3C HTML5.1( (
Full DTD and Minimal DTD for W3C HTML 5.1 (superseded by HTML 5.2)
W3C HTML5.2 ( (
Full DTD and Minimal DTD for W3C HTML 5.2 (superseded by HTML RD 200129)
HTML Review Draft 200129 ( (
Full DTD and Minimal DTD for HTML Review Draft 200129; note the Minimal DTD is the declaration set resolved via the 'about:legacy-compat' system identifier in SGML
HTML Review Draft 230116 ( (
Full DTD and Minimal DTD for HTML Review Draft 230116 (experimental)
Note: the W3C HTML 5 series DTDs are deprecated and superseded by the HTML Review Draft (200129 and newer) DTDs. The current HTML RD 200129 Minimal DTD assumes SGML IMPLYDEF ELEMENT ANYOTHER behaviour with respect to undeclared elements as defined in ISO/IEC 8879:1986/Cor.2:1999(E) in support of SVG and MathML foreign vocabularies and custom elements. While IMPLYDEF ELEMENT ANYOTHER is supported by SGML, it might not be by other SGML software such as OpenSP. If a minimal DTD for use with OpenSP is desired, use the legacy Minimal HTML 5.1 DTD. Note this only affects the minimal but not full DTD variants.

Application Notes

The declarations provided here are designed to be used with the Full HTML5.1 DTD and the Minimal HTML5.1 DTD, respectively, and are constructed as explained in the application notes.

The HTML5.1 predefined entities (HTML named character entities) are included in the declaration for the Minimal DTD as WebSGML predefined entities.

The Full DTD, on the other hand, is expected to include these entities via regular parameter entities.

Apart from this, the only other difference between these two SGML declarations is that the variant for the Restrictive DTD declares IMPLYDEF ELEMENT NO, whereas the variant for use with the Minimal DTD declares IMPLYDEF ELEMENT ANYOTHER.

Note that when using SGML, there's usually no need to do anything with SGML declarations, as the declaration to use is determined by eg. the an input entity's media type (of an HTTP response on the web) or the input file's suffix in command-line applications (where the file suffix .html selects an internally or other catalog-provided SGML declaration for either the Minimal or Full DTD based on catalog setup), though it's also possible to provide an SGML declaration or declaration reference in the document, depending on the build being used.

For using (Open)SP SGML, CAPACITIES adaptions, as well as adaptions to the declared syntax character set have been made to allow SP/OpenSP to process these declarations (as explained in the application notes), but some (Open)SP builds may not support predefined entities in SGML declarations. Depending on the requirements, these SGML declararations need to be edited (to include only the basic predefined entities such as lt, gt, quot, and apos), or to include entities via entity declarations (entity sets) rather than via SGML declaration predefined entities.

SGML declaration for use with the Full HTML5.1 DTD

"ISO 8879:1986 (WWW)"

    -- Restrictive SGML declaration body for HTML5.1

       Based on the SGML Declaration for HTML 4 (html.dcl), with
       the following modifications:

       - minimum data/literal updated to "ISO 8879:1986 (WWW)" to
         reflect that the declaration makes use of the extended markup
         minimization feature syntax introduced with ISO 8879 Annex K
       - adapted GRPCNT, GRPGTCNT, ATTCNT for the (Open)SP SGML system
       - added (most) predefined character entities for HTML5,
         updated base and syntax character set to ISO/IEC 10646:2003;
         syntax character set adaption is only required by (Open)SP
         for character entities outside IRV/ASCII

       The declaration is intended to be used via
       a SGML declaration reference as follows

        <!SGML HTML5.1 PUBLIC "+//IDN W3C HTML 5.1//EN">

       as the first line of an SGML document instance.
       Alternatively, the SGML declaration code text can be
       incorporated verbatim into the SGML declaration at
       the begin of an SGML instance document. Note that for most
       applications, it is assumed the declaration is resolved
       via an SGML catalog rule, rather than being included
       or referenced directly from an SGML document instance. --
         BASESET   "ISO Registration Number 177//CHARSET
                    ISO/IEC 10646:2003 UCS-4 with
                    implementation level 3//ESC 2/5 2/15 4/6"
         DESCSET 0       9       UNUSED
                 9       2       9
                 11      2       UNUSED
                 13      1       13
                 14      18      UNUSED
                 32      95      32
                 127     1       UNUSED
                 128     32      UNUSED
                 160     55136   160
                 55296   2048    UNUSED
                 57344   1056768 57344



         SHUNCHAR CONTROLS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
           17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 127
         BASESET   "ISO Registration Number 177//CHARSET
                    ISO/IEC 10646:2003 UCS-4 with
                    implementation level 3//ESC 2/5 2/15 4/6"
         DESCSET 0       9       UNUSED
                 9       2       9
                 11      2       UNUSED
                 13      1       13
                 14      18      UNUSED
                 32      95      32
                 127     1       UNUSED
                 128     32      UNUSED
                 160     55136   160
                 55296   2048    UNUSED  -- SURROGATES --
                 57344   1056768 57344

                  RE            13
                  RS            10
                  SPACE         32
                  TAB SEPCHAR    9

         NAMING   LCNMSTRT ""
                  UCNMSTRT ""
                  NAMESTRT      46 -- FULL STOP --
                                95 -- LOW LINE --
                               183 -- MIDDLE DOT --
                           192-214 -- #xC0-#xD6 --
                           216-246 -- #xD8-#xF6 --
                           248-893 -- #xF8-#x37D --
                          895-8191 -- #x37F-#x1FFF --
                         8204-8205 -- #x200C-#x200D --
                         8255-8256 -- #x203F-#x2040 --
                         8304-8847 -- #x2070-#x328F --
                       11264-12271 -- #x2C00-#x2FEF --
                       12289-55295 -- #x3001-#xD7FF --
                       63744-64975 -- #xF900-#xFDCF --
                       65008-65533 -- #xFDF0-#xFFFD --
                      65536-983039 -- #x1000-#xEFFFF --
                  LCNMCHAR ""
                  UCNMCHAR ""
                  NAMECHAR      45 -- HYPHEN-MINUS --
                  ENTITY   NO
                  HCRO     "&#38;#x" -- 38 is the number for ampersand --
                  SHORTREF SGMLREF
         NAMES    SGMLREF
                  ATTCNT   120     -- increased for HTML 5 --
                  ATTSPLEN 65536   -- These are the largest values --
                  LITLEN   65536   -- permitted in the declaration --
                  NAMELEN  65536   -- Avoid fixed limits in actual --
                  PILEN    65536   -- implementations of HTML UA's --
                  TAGLVL   100
                  TAGLEN   65536
                  GRPGTCNT 150
                  GRPCNT   150     -- increased for HTML 5 --

                 OMITTAG  YES
                 RANK     NO
                          STARTTAG EMPTY    NO
                                   UNCLOSED NO
                                   NETENABL NO
                          ENDTAG   EMPTY    NO
                                   UNCLOSED NO
                          ATTRIB   DEFAULT  YES
                                   OMITNAME YES
                                   VALUE    YES
                 EMPTYNRM NO
                 IMPLYDEF ATTLIST  YES
                          DOCTYPE  NO
                          ELEMENT  NO
                          ENTITY   NO
                          NOTATION NO
                 SIMPLE   NO
                 IMPLICIT NO
                 EXPLICIT NO
                 CONCUR   NO
                 SUBDOC   NO
                 FORMAL   NO

SGML declaration for use with the Minimal HTML5.1 DTD

"ISO 8879:1986 (WWW)"

    -- Permisssive SGML declaration body for HTML5.1

       Based on the SGML Declaration for HTML 4 (html.dcl), with
       the following modifications:

       - minimum data/literal updated to "ISO 8879:1986 (WWW)" to
         reflect that the declaration makes use of the extended markup
         minimization feature syntax introduced with ISO 8879 Annex K
       - adapted GRPCNT, GRPGTCNT, ATTCNT for the (Open)SP SGML system
       - added (most) predefined character entities for HTML5,
         updated base and syntax character set to ISO/IEC 10646:2003;
         syntax character set adaption is only required by (Open)SP
         for character entities outside IRV/ASCII

       The declaration is intended to be used via
       a SGML declaration reference as follows

        <!SGML HTML5.1 PUBLIC "+//IDN W3C HTML MINIMAL 5.1//EN">

       as the first line of an SGML document instance.
       Alternatively, the SGML declaration code text can be
       incorporated verbatim into the SGML declaration at
       the begin of an SGML instance document. Note that for most
       applications, it is assumed the declaration is resolved
       via an SGML catalog rule, rather than being included
       or referenced directly from an SGML document instance. --
         BASESET   "ISO Registration Number 177//CHARSET
                    ISO/IEC 10646:2003 UCS-4 with
                    implementation level 3//ESC 2/5 2/15 4/6"
         DESCSET 0       9       UNUSED
                 9       2       9
                 11      2       UNUSED
                 13      1       13
                 14      18      UNUSED
                 32      95      32
                 127     1       UNUSED
                 128     32      UNUSED
                 160     55136   160
                 55296   2048    UNUSED
                 57344   1056768 57344



         SHUNCHAR CONTROLS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
           17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 127
         BASESET   "ISO Registration Number 177//CHARSET
                    ISO/IEC 10646:2003 UCS-4 with
                    implementation level 3//ESC 2/5 2/15 4/6"
         DESCSET 0       9       UNUSED
                 9       2       9
                 11      2       UNUSED
                 13      1       13
                 14      18      UNUSED
                 32      95      32
                 127     1       UNUSED
                 128     32      UNUSED
                 160     55136   160
                 55296   2048    UNUSED  -- SURROGATES --
                 57344   1056768 57344

                  RE            13
                  RS            10
                  SPACE         32
                  TAB SEPCHAR    9

         NAMING   LCNMSTRT ""
                  UCNMSTRT ""
                  NAMESTRT      46 -- FULL STOP --
                                95 -- LOW LINE --
                               183 -- MIDDLE DOT --
                           192-214 -- #xC0-#xD6 --
                           216-246 -- #xD8-#xF6 --
                           248-893 -- #xF8-#x37D --
                          895-8191 -- #x37F-#x1FFF --
                         8204-8205 -- #x200C-#x200D --
                         8255-8256 -- #x203F-#x2040 --
                         8304-8847 -- #x2070-#x328F --
                       11264-12271 -- #x2C00-#x2FEF --
                       12289-55295 -- #x3001-#xD7FF --
                       63744-64975 -- #xF900-#xFDCF --
                       65008-65533 -- #xFDF0-#xFFFD --
                      65536-983039 -- #x1000-#xEFFFF --
                  LCNMCHAR ""
                  UCNMCHAR ""
                  NAMECHAR      45 -- HYPHEN-MINUS --
                  ENTITY   NO
                  HCRO     "&#38;#x" -- 38 is the number for ampersand --
                  SHORTREF SGMLREF
         NAMES    SGMLREF
                  ATTCNT   120     -- increased for HTML 5 --
                  ATTSPLEN 65536   -- These are the largest values --
                  LITLEN   65536   -- permitted in the declaration --
                  NAMELEN  65536   -- Avoid fixed limits in actual --
                  PILEN    65536   -- implementations of HTML UA's --
                  TAGLVL   100
                  TAGLEN   65536
                  GRPGTCNT 150
                  GRPCNT   150     -- increased for HTML 5 --
         ENTITIES "Aacute" 193
                  "Aacut" 193
                  "aacute" 225
                  "aacut" 225
                  "Abreve" 258
                  "abreve" 259
                  "ac" 8766
                  "acd" 8767
                  -- "acE" 8766 819--
                  "Acirc" 194
                  "Acir" 194
                  "acirc" 226
                  "acir" 226
                  "acute" 180
                  "acut" 180
                  "Acy" 1040
                  "acy" 1072
                  "AElig" 198
                  "AEli" 198
                  "aelig" 230
                  "aeli" 230
                  "af" 8289
                  "Afr" 120068
                  "afr" 120094
                  "Agrave" 192
                  "Agrav" 192
                  "agrave" 224
                  "agrav" 224
                  "alefsym" 8501
                  "aleph" 8501
                  "Alpha" 913
                  "alpha" 945
                  "Amacr" 256
                  "amacr" 257
                  "amalg" 10815
                  "AMP" 38
                  "AM" 38
                  "amp" 38
                  "am" 38
                  "And" 10835
                  "and" 8743
                  "andand" 10837
                  "andd" 10844
                  "andslope" 10840
                  "andv" 10842
                  "ang" 8736
                  "ange" 10660
                  "angle" 8736
                  "angmsd" 8737
                  "angmsdaa" 10664
                  "angmsdab" 10665
                  "angmsdac" 10666
                  "angmsdad" 10667
                  "angmsdae" 10668
                  "angmsdaf" 10669
                  "angmsdag" 10670
                  "angmsdah" 10671
                  "angrt" 8735
                  "angrtvb" 8894
                  "angrtvbd" 10653
                  "angsph" 8738
                  "angst" 197
                  "angzarr" 9084
                  "Aogon" 260
                  "aogon" 261
                  "Aopf" 120120
                  "aopf" 120146
                  "ap" 8776
                  "apacir" 10863
                  "apE" 10864
                  "ape" 8778
                  "apid" 8779
                  "apos" 39
                  "ApplyFunction" 8289
                  "approx" 8776
                  "approxeq" 8778
                  "Aring" 197
                  "Arin" 197
                  "aring" 229
                  "arin" 229
                  "Ascr" 119964
                  "ascr" 119990
                  "Assign" 8788
                  "ast" 42
                  "asymp" 8776
                  "asympeq" 8781
                  "Atilde" 195
                  "Atild" 195
                  "atilde" 227
                  "atild" 227
                  "Auml" 196
                  "Aum" 196
                  "auml" 228
                  "aum" 228
                  "awconint" 8755
                  "awint" 10769
                  "backcong" 8780
                  "backepsilon" 1014
                  "backprime" 8245
                  "backsim" 8765
                  "backsimeq" 8909
                  "Backslash" 8726
                  "Barv" 10983
                  "barvee" 8893
                  "Barwed" 8966
                  "barwed" 8965
                  "barwedge" 8965
                  "bbrk" 9141
                  "bbrktbrk" 9142
                  "bcong" 8780
                  "Bcy" 1041
                  "bcy" 1073
                  "bdquo" 8222
                  "becaus" 8757
                  "Because" 8757
                  "because" 8757
                  "bemptyv" 10672
                  "bepsi" 1014
                  "bernou" 8492
                  "Bernoullis" 8492
                  "Beta" 914
                  "beta" 946
                  "beth" 8502
                  "between" 8812
                  "Bfr" 120069
                  "bfr" 120095
                  "bigcap" 8898
                  "bigcirc" 9711
                  "bigcup" 8899
                  "bigodot" 10752
                  "bigoplus" 10753
                  "bigotimes" 10754
                  "bigsqcup" 10758
                  "bigstar" 9733
                  "bigtriangledown" 9661
                  "bigtriangleup" 9651
                  "biguplus" 10756
                  "bigvee" 8897
                  "bigwedge" 8896
                  "bkarow" 10509
                  "blacklozenge" 10731
                  "blacksquare" 9642
                  "blacktriangle" 9652
                  "blacktriangledown" 9662
                  "blacktriangleleft" 9666
                  "blacktriangleright" 9656
                  "blank" 9251
                  "blk12" 9618
                  "blk14" 9617
                  "blk34" 9619
                  "block" 9608
                  -- "bne" 61 8421--
                  -- "bnequiv" 8801 8421--
                  "bNot" 10989
                  "bnot" 8976
                  "Bopf" 120121
                  "bopf" 120147
                  "bot" 8869
                  "bottom" 8869
                  "bowtie" 8904
                  "boxbox" 10697
                  "boxDL" 9559
                  "boxDl" 9558
                  "boxdL" 9557
                  "boxdl" 9488
                  "boxDR" 9556
                  "boxDr" 9555
                  "boxdR" 9554
                  "boxdr" 9484
                  "boxH" 9552
                  "boxh" 9472
                  "boxHD" 9574
                  "boxHd" 9572
                  "boxhD" 9573
                  "boxhd" 9516
                  "boxHU" 9577
                  "boxHu" 9575
                  "boxhU" 9576
                  "boxhu" 9524
                  "boxminus" 8863
                  "boxplus" 8862
                  "boxtimes" 8864
                  "boxUL" 9565
                  "boxUl" 9564
                  "boxuL" 9563
                  "boxul" 9496
                  "boxUR" 9562
                  "boxUr" 9561
                  "boxuR" 9560
                  "boxur" 9492
                  "boxV" 9553
                  "boxv" 9474
                  "boxVH" 9580
                  "boxVh" 9579
                  "boxvH" 9578
                  "boxvh" 9532
                  "boxVL" 9571
                  "boxVl" 9570
                  "boxvL" 9569
                  "boxvl" 9508
                  "boxVR" 9568
                  "boxVr" 9567
                  "boxvR" 9566
                  "boxvr" 9500
                  "bprime" 8245
                  "Breve" 728
                  "breve" 728
                  "brvbar" 166
                  "brvba" 166
                  "Bscr" 8492
                  "bscr" 119991
                  "bsemi" 8271
                  "bsim" 8765
                  "bsime" 8909
                  "bsol" 92
                  "bsolb" 10693
                  "bsolhsub" 10184
                  "bull" 8226
                  "bullet" 8226
                  "bump" 8782
                  "bumpE" 10926
                  "bumpe" 8783
                  "Bumpeq" 8782
                  "bumpeq" 8783
                  "Cacute" 262
                  "cacute" 263
                  "Cap" 8914
                  "cap" 8745
                  "capand" 10820
                  "capbrcup" 10825
                  "capcap" 10827
                  "capcup" 10823
                  "capdot" 10816
                  "CapitalDifferentialD" 8517
                  -- "caps" 8745 65024--
                  "caret" 8257
                  "caron" 711
                  "Cayleys" 8493
                  "ccaps" 10829
                  "Ccaron" 268
                  "ccaron" 269
                  "Ccedil" 199
                  "Ccedi" 199
                  "ccedil" 231
                  "ccedi" 231
                  "Ccirc" 264
                  "ccirc" 265
                  "Cconint" 8752
                  "ccups" 10828
                  "ccupssm" 10832
                  "Cdot" 266
                  "cdot" 267
                  "cedil" 184
                  "cedi" 184
                  "Cedilla" 184
                  "cemptyv" 10674
                  "cent" 162
                  "cen" 162
                  "CenterDot" 183
                  "centerdot" 183
                  "Cfr" 8493
                  "cfr" 120096
                  "CHcy" 1063
                  "chcy" 1095
                  "check" 10003
                  "checkmark" 10003
                  "Chi" 935
                  "chi" 967
                  "cir" 9675
                  "circ" 710
                  "circeq" 8791
                  "circlearrowleft" 8634
                  "circlearrowright" 8635
                  "circledast" 8859
                  "circledcirc" 8858
                  "circleddash" 8861
                  "CircleDot" 8857
                  "circledR" 174
                  "circledS" 9416
                  "CircleMinus" 8854
                  "CirclePlus" 8853
                  "CircleTimes" 8855
                  "cirE" 10691
                  "cire" 8791
                  "cirfnint" 10768
                  "cirmid" 10991
                  "cirscir" 10690
                  "ClockwiseContourIntegral" 8754
                  "CloseCurlyDoubleQuote" 8221
                  "CloseCurlyQuote" 8217
                  "clubs" 9827
                  "clubsuit" 9827
                  "Colon" 8759
                  "colon" 58
                  "Colone" 10868
                  "colone" 8788
                  "coloneq" 8788
                  "comma" 44
                  "commat" 64
                  "comp" 8705
                  "compfn" 8728
                  "complement" 8705
                  "complexes" 8450
                  "cong" 8773
                  "congdot" 10861
                  "Congruent" 8801
                  "Conint" 8751
                  "conint" 8750
                  "ContourIntegral" 8750
                  "Copf" 8450
                  "copf" 120148
                  "coprod" 8720
                  "Coproduct" 8720
                  "COPY" 169
                  "COP" 169
                  "copy" 169
                  "cop" 169
                  "copysr" 8471
                  "CounterClockwiseContourIntegral" 8755
                  "crarr" 8629
                  "Cross" 10799
                  "cross" 10007
                  "Cscr" 119966
                  "cscr" 119992
                  "csub" 10959
                  "csube" 10961
                  "csup" 10960
                  "csupe" 10962
                  "ctdot" 8943
                  "cudarrl" 10552
                  "cudarrr" 10549
                  "cuepr" 8926
                  "cuesc" 8927
                  "cularr" 8630
                  "cularrp" 10557
                  "Cup" 8915
                  "cup" 8746
                  "cupbrcap" 10824
                  "CupCap" 8781
                  "cupcap" 10822
                  "cupcup" 10826
                  "cupdot" 8845
                  "cupor" 10821
                  -- "cups" 8746 65024--
                  "curarr" 8631
                  "curarrm" 10556
                  "curlyeqprec" 8926
                  "curlyeqsucc" 8927
                  "curlyvee" 8910
                  "curlywedge" 8911
                  "curren" 164
                  "curre" 164
                  "curvearrowleft" 8630
                  "curvearrowright" 8631
                  "cuvee" 8910
                  "cuwed" 8911
                  "cwconint" 8754
                  "cwint" 8753
                  "cylcty" 9005
                  "Dagger" 8225
                  "dagger" 8224
                  "daleth" 8504
                  "Darr" 8609
                  "dArr" 8659
                  "darr" 8595
                  "dash" 8208
                  "Dashv" 10980
                  "dashv" 8867
                  "dbkarow" 10511
                  "dblac" 733
                  "Dcaron" 270
                  "dcaron" 271
                  "Dcy" 1044
                  "dcy" 1076
                  "DD" 8517
                  "dd" 8518
                  "ddagger" 8225
                  "ddarr" 8650
                  "DDotrahd" 10513
                  "ddotseq" 10871
                  "deg" 176
                  "de" 176
                  "Del" 8711
                  "Delta" 916
                  "delta" 948
                  "demptyv" 10673
                  "dfisht" 10623
                  "Dfr" 120071
                  "dfr" 120097
                  "dHar" 10597
                  "dharl" 8643
                  "dharr" 8642
                  "DiacriticalAcute" 180
                  "DiacriticalDot" 729
                  "DiacriticalDoubleAcute" 733
                  "DiacriticalGrave" 96
                  "DiacriticalTilde" 732
                  "diam" 8900
                  "Diamond" 8900
                  "diamond" 8900
                  "diamondsuit" 9830
                  "diams" 9830
                  "die" 168
                  "DifferentialD" 8518
                  "digamma" 989
                  "disin" 8946
                  "div" 247
                  "divide" 247
                  "divid" 247
                  "divideontimes" 8903
                  "divonx" 8903
                  "DJcy" 1026
                  "djcy" 1106
                  "dlcorn" 8990
                  "dlcrop" 8973
                  "dollar" 36
                  "Dopf" 120123
                  "dopf" 120149
                  "Dot" 168
                  "dot" 729
                  "DotDot" 8412
                  "doteq" 8784
                  "doteqdot" 8785
                  "DotEqual" 8784
                  "dotminus" 8760
                  "dotplus" 8724
                  "dotsquare" 8865
                  "doublebarwedge" 8966
                  "DoubleContourIntegral" 8751
                  "DoubleDot" 168
                  "DoubleDownArrow" 8659
                  "DoubleLeftArrow" 8656
                  "DoubleLeftRightArrow" 8660
                  "DoubleLeftTee" 10980
                  "DoubleLongLeftArrow" 10232
                  "DoubleLongLeftRightArrow" 10234
                  "DoubleLongRightArrow" 10233
                  "DoubleRightArrow" 8658
                  "DoubleRightTee" 8872
                  "DoubleUpArrow" 8657
                  "DoubleUpDownArrow" 8661
                  "DoubleVerticalBar" 8741
                  "DownArrow" 8595
                  "Downarrow" 8659
                  "downarrow" 8595
                  "DownArrowBar" 10515
                  "DownArrowUpArrow" 8693
                  "DownBreve" 785
                  "downdownarrows" 8650
                  "downharpoonleft" 8643
                  "downharpoonright" 8642
                  "DownLeftRightVector" 10576
                  "DownLeftTeeVector" 10590
                  "DownLeftVector" 8637
                  "DownLeftVectorBar" 10582
                  "DownRightTeeVector" 10591
                  "DownRightVector" 8641
                  "DownRightVectorBar" 10583
                  "DownTee" 8868
                  "DownTeeArrow" 8615
                  "drbkarow" 10512
                  "drcorn" 8991
                  "drcrop" 8972
                  "Dscr" 119967
                  "dscr" 119993
                  "DScy" 1029
                  "dscy" 1109
                  "dsol" 10742
                  "Dstrok" 272
                  "dstrok" 273
                  "dtdot" 8945
                  "dtri" 9663
                  "dtrif" 9662
                  "duarr" 8693
                  "duhar" 10607
                  "dwangle" 10662
                  "DZcy" 1039
                  "dzcy" 1119
                  "dzigrarr" 10239
                  "Eacute" 201
                  "Eacut" 201
                  "eacute" 233
                  "eacut" 233
                  "easter" 10862
                  "Ecaron" 282
                  "ecaron" 283
                  "ecir" 8790
                  "Ecirc" 202
                  "Ecir" 202
                  "ecirc" 234
                  "ecir" 234
                  "ecolon" 8789
                  "Ecy" 1069
                  "ecy" 1101
                  "eDDot" 10871
                  "Edot" 278
                  "eDot" 8785
                  "edot" 279
                  "ee" 8519
                  "efDot" 8786
                  "Efr" 120072
                  "efr" 120098
                  "eg" 10906
                  "Egrave" 200
                  "Egrav" 200
                  "egrave" 232
                  "egrav" 232
                  "egs" 10902
                  "egsdot" 10904
                  "el" 10905
                  "Element" 8712
                  "elinters" 9191
                  "ell" 8467
                  "els" 10901
                  "elsdot" 10903
                  "Emacr" 274
                  "emacr" 275
                  "empty" 8709
                  "emptyset" 8709
                  "EmptySmallSquare" 9723
                  "emptyv" 8709
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                 IMPLICIT NO
                 EXPLICIT NO
                 CONCUR   NO
                 SUBDOC   NO
                 FORMAL   NO