Markdown Auto-Link Examples

Basic auto-link examples
Mail-auto-link with omitted scheme part, using just an email address
No-scheme auto-links example
Note: To produce HTML from the example markdown sources, copy and paste an example source, store it into a file with the ".md" file extension, and invoke
sgmlproc <>
where <> is replaced by the actual file used for storing.


This demonstrates auto links of the form <> or
<mailto:another-auto-link> or <file://auto/link> or <https://another-one/>.

Rendered HTML

<p>This demonstrates auto links of the form <a href=""><code></code></a> or
<a href="mailto:another-auto-link"><code>mailto:another-auto-link</code></a> or <a href="file://auto/link"><code>file://auto/link</code></a> or <a href="https://another-one/"><code>https://another-one/</code></a>.


The paragraph contains a <someone@some.where> mail link.
Pandoc has the option to put this into a Javascript snippet
that will generate the mail link (so that it won't appear in 
plain HTML).

Rendered HTML

<p>The paragraph contains a <a href="mailto:someone@some.where"><code>someone@some.where</code></a> mail link.
Pandoc has the option to put this into a Javascript snippet
that will generate the mail link (so that it won't appear in 
plain HTML).


This demonstrates auto links with omitted scheme parts such as <://> or

Rendered HTML

<p>This demonstrates auto links with omitted scheme parts such as <a href="//"><code>//</code></a> or
<a href="auto/link"><code>auto/link</code></a>.